Saturday, October 21, 2006

Continued Studies - 02/09/2005


Continued Notes
From The
Independent Studies
David A. Archer

Pertaining To
Social Consistencies
Within The Idea
Proximity Gestation


If I could convey my feelings at this moment in much the same way as I described the possibility of recording and re-introducing brain activity into another, you would feel very near giddy at this time.

I have happened upon a work of philosophy written in the late 1700’s, early 1800’s called “A Treatise On Political Economy.” The author is/was Count Antoine Louis Claude Destutt Tracy of France.

It was translated into English in the very early years of the United States. Published in 1817 and includes a copy of a communiqué from Thomas Jefferson, sent from Monticello on October 25, 1818 – with his revisions and corrections of the translator as a primary subject matter.

Curiously enough, Thomas Jefferson mentions “parasite institutions” within public industry even then – and mentions that such a work should serve well to protect such industry from said. He begins with addressing the “elements of Ideology” – the “will and its effects,” and “reduces” the “science of logic” into two facts.

The first, he states is that our perceptions are everything for us; “…we are perfectly, completely, and necessarily sure of what ever we actually feel.”

I would be quite interested in reading Tracy’s opinions if it were that he could experience our modern day. Knowing in our modern day that it is possible to transfer the brain activity (in however small amounts) from one person to another (perhaps even between creatures) – it is then that in some instances we can’t be sure of what we feel.

Most assuredly the body and brain would react in accordance with those imposed impulses – creating the illusion, however “real” in appearance of sensation and emotion – but only to the degree directly in relation to realization of such imposed influence.

In my opinion, if and when a person knows of the imposed frequency pattern(s), it is then less real than when it is that such occurs in the mind of someone who is unaware of even such a possibility.

When it is that these fabricated influences would or should be imposed, it is that such as the recorded activity would seem to transpire within the mind, but only becoming potentially harmful when the subject isn’t aware of the real aspects.
Should the brain activity of an individual that receives a cut be re-introduced into that of someone else’s, the pain of it would be no-where as severe should the subject receiving it be knowledgeable of the stimulation – if even only to the degree of said possibilities. In the extremes I can see where such might actually produce a wound in a subject who was unaware – even and especially at higher rates of exposure and amplitude.

In a more positive sense, it should even be possible to produce a constant range of frequencies that would be able to regulate a persons heart beat and other vital signs without any physical attachments. This similar in some sense to a radio broadcast.

Those in need of such, being issued dietary supplements that contained elements sensitive to the predetermined range of frequencies. Perhaps even a single injection of such a supplement in a manner that would allow it to thoroughly saturate the area of the brain most coordinated with such functions.

I realize that it sounds a bit “science fiction” like, though I have to consider the possibilities of utilizing such for such purposes.

Envision emergency medical personnel no longer needing things such as defibrillators? No longer needing to administer C.P.R.? Simply a placement of a particular object that transmitted/received information pertaining to the given task – for the purpose of that type of stimulation. A transducer that was tuned to the pre-existing set of frequencies, placed on the skull of a subject in need of such immediate treatment – immediately receiving and employing the stimulation from a brainwave pattern of steady heart rate at rest.

It could even be possible to stimulate the body into producing blood cells and plasma at a faster rate, reducing the need of intravenous blood transfusions.

Such aspects could be used during surgical procedures as well, in various forms.

I suppose, in regard to the presented statement – we can only be sure of what we actually feel to a certain extent – and very much on the cusp of an age where without regulation, there is no way to be entirely certain that it is ourselves “feeling.”

In the “second” area of his description, he addresses “judgments” and states that with any new element that arises “we must either take away the former, or not admit the latter.”

From my perspective, if such were true – then in fact there would be no consistency or progress in our existence. To the extreme, it would seem that we as creatures would not even exist.

From a certain vantage, this would seem to suggest a lack of layering, dimensions – the very “emulsification” that is existence.

In a metaphysical sense, I nearly entirely disagree and in a physical sense while it is true to some extent that two physical objects cannot occupy the same space at the same moment, it is quite possible for layering and emulsifying of given objects.

Factually, in some instances such is quite necessary, especially regarding information and knowledge.
While I do hold that two solid, physical objects cannot physically occupy the same area t the same time, I have to acknowledge that we as creatures are even on the cusp of going beyond that, much in the direction of means I have described.

Envision the possibility of marriage being of mind as much as physical proximity? Within your mind and its capacity, being able to see through another persons eyes?

In that respect we then will have achieved a new age. Simultaneously occupying the space of another physical body – that presumably of your chosen mate.

Then of course there is the age old example of the fetus in the womb as two object in the same space.
Further then, he begins to address probability. In a particular statement I find more insight into the consistency of that “eternal source” and our interactive connectivity.

In his description of the “non-calculation” aspects of the dynamics of probability within our thought process (interactive connectivity), he states that; “The science of probability is properly the conjectural part of each of the branches of our knowledge, in some of which calculation may be employed.”

Should a person apply aspects of an emulsifying dynamic into this description you will have arrived quite harmoniously within that which he describes as the “elements of ideology.” More directly it is the culmination of each of his “three areas” of intellectual faculties.

I could further cite this consistent dynamic of existence as supporting evidence in regard to “Proximity Gestation.” Being that the interaction of several different elements have and do culminate to produce that which is. And even further I can cite this consistent dynamic as one of great importance in the workings of our reality – much in the manner I have already addressed… and yet even further such consistency seems that it does extend into the metaphysical realm in reference to that body of “a-priori” knowledge and our interactive connectivity. Such is even applicable to the “thought structure” combinations and its/their “conduit” aspects.

Though it is that I am sure such was not his intent as application – a person cannot avoid seeing the consistency in such dynamics.

I would also like to state that the use of such as his example in other “areas,” is very much an example of said “emulsification.”

Tracy then states that “The will is both mode and consequence of perception.”

When I think about that it leads me to the realization of noticing the most common interpretations of perception. As with much in society, it seems to be most commonly topical – even in its use in that statement, there is really no suggestion of the complexity within the use of that word in such a manner.

I believe such topical interpretation is from the inclination of humans to take for granted all that has lead to the current moment.

Perception in itself is multi-faceted, multi layered. Of itself, an emulsification involving our immediate existence and even beyond what we immediately perceive.

Somehow within the meaning of that word, reality manifests from one moment to another – the culmination of so many variables with a consistent “randomness.”

Perception ~ Probability (?) - My immediate thought is that one relates to the other in a similar emulation of that consistent randomness with moments of greater consistency being closer to the influence of will.

Yet another angle in viewing reality as a culmination….. the statement “influence of will” being multi-faceted and multi dimensional, as well – meaning it doesn’t seem to be limited to those elements immediately, “physically near”- nor necessarily in any grouped manner. Multiple, separate “points” being of the same “will.” Metaphorically speaking then ; The stars being of the sun though separated from each and the other in a manner more in depth than the topical meaning. More than simply sharing a larger palette, as it were, but being of the same source.


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