Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/25/2005 (The "Third Degree Of Civilization" now Ass Puppetry and "Debergerac Chess?")




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In considering the different types of society that Tracy and Montesquieu have put forward, and doing so in a context with our modern society – it is again that the presence of “Proximity Gestation” is hardly anything to be ignored.

When Tracy wrote his commentary, the “third” version of society was just out of the conception stage and into the world as he states. From what I can see, this created an additional point of perspective and common mind set. I should reword as it more described a natural direction that was being formed with the other two, as humans delved deeper into the substance of existence and utilized the capacity of the human element of cognitive thought.

Within the effect of Proximity Gestation, such was immanent as can be seen when examining earlier cultures and their developmental directions, progress and even downfall. Even in considering early conflicts and crusades a person can easily see where it could very much be simple resonation of the very earliest of tribal engagements so to speak.

In considering the development and use of the capacity of cognitive thought, a person can go on to see where development of tools and weapons wasn’t really to be stronger than the enemy per say, but was simply as result of that growing “a priori” as well as the resonating effect within that larger influence and the process of Proximity Gestation. Those that developed at a “faster” rate were possessing more of a human-animal elemental percentage, which of course was a greater percentage of human element to animal element in those instances and within those early examples of proximity and “gestation” periods in regard to a larger sense of said process beyond the “individual” aspects. Such things weren’t “invented” so to speak, they were more discovered within that process.

Looking at modern society in the same light, it is just as easy to see the same type of effect in such resonation – adding to the effect of modern media/technology. It seems that within the newly created “third area” of society –especially with the advent of technology, there has become another level- false, emulation which is still susceptible to those resonant continuances.

There still exist examples of both the first and second forms of society – in addition to their emulations that have developed within the safety and productivity of that which was developed with the “third.”

The technological influence is mostly within those emulations of the first and second – effectively rendering them just as empty and void of substance as is the modern content of the media. The emulation of the initial dichotomy of the first and second, is and poses danger to the very fabric of the “third,” as well as the actual first and second.

The problem I see here, is in the attempt – whether intentional or not, to arrest the natural progress of growing capacity – “a priori” within that natural resonation and interactive connectivity. Those emulations of the first two within the third version of society, cycle upon themselves and are mostly made up of regurgitation – bearing none of their own fruit of substance.

It has progressed to a point that society has actually digressed in many ways – though very much in the form of empty emulation. Not only effectively retarding the growth and maturity of the third, but within that – destroying the foundation and possibility of the discovery and beginnings of perhaps a fourth variation through growth and realization.

With the third variation, being representative democracy governed with reason and given to philosophy – it seems that this “third degree of civilization” has mis-stepped in allowing itself to be shackled with empty fears derived from conflicts within emulations of the first, second and even third degrees of civilization as well. Thus being turned into the same empty cycle of regurgitation and fruitless, substances less existence.

When examining the concept of representative democracy, a person can easily see the presence of the process which is Proximity Gestation. Thus making it an involuntary emulation in a natural course though wrought of and through other structures, of those natural resonations with that larger process and progression.

The first and second degrees of society are only less exact manifestations of said process, within our physical, social and governmental structures.

Centuries of said expansion and focus on cognitive capacity, had yielded ever progressing refinement of those first two degrees of civilizations – finally yielding through that attention, the opportunity and insight to recognize the next step in said betterments – which is/was representative democracy.

With the interference of technology, that natural response (process) seems to have been muddled and or skewed. Effectively stifling the expansion of and focus on that very unique human element which is cognitive thought – interactive connectivity.

I personally believe that in order to re-assert such progress, and if ever we are to attain reasonable workings within the “third degree” and begin to progress on development of perhaps a fourth – something such as Proximity Gestation must first be acknowledged for what it is, and its constant effects on every minute of our lives.

In the “fourth degree” of society, and very much influenced through reason and heightened senses perhaps, in the human respect, provided we as a species do not fail in reversing the effects of digression I have described – through re-introducing a focus on that capacity of human cognitive thought/interactive connectivity.

Within that emulation of the second and first degrees, there seems to be an effort in distracting society from maintaining and progressing on and within that “third degree” – An effort that extends to depravation of education in various forms – some even in the guise of being education.

It isn’t enough, as is plainly evident, to provide the mountainous amounts of information that has accumulated within our existence – such very much only acts as distraction itself in many respects. There must also be an education of self and acknowledgment of ones uniqueness in the capacity of cognitive thought. Such seems it would be essential before any of the mentioned information can be properly digested and utilized within the existence and subsequently, that responsibility of progressing and maintaining with a harmonious pace within the effects of that larger process – Proximity Gestation, as it were – as it pertains to humans and given individuals within that species.

Such relevance to the individual is very much part of existence in my opinion, and further within that process – finding oneself within that order of actions constant in effect.

In my opinion, such development should be of the most immediate priority in the education of a child, children, person.

The “dumbing down” of society has lead only to those without the necessary understanding to gain much influential status as if they possessed it. An upward seepage of useless ignorance so to speak, which has somehow found a way to thrive.

Introduction to oneself should be a “course” administered and encouraged early in a persons life in my opinion. Especially those that can grow to maintain and even progress with, of and in that/those elements essential to this “third degree of civilization.”

In Tracy’s words, “A constitution should not be preceded with a declaration of rights” (as rights are self evident – it’s too bad the responsibility of maintaining them isn’t), “but rather a declaration of principles on which it should be founded, and truths to which it should be conformable.”

How can either of those exist within a society where each seem ignorant of themselves? Much less the insight of interpretation of laws and rights – which is derived from knowledge, firstly of ones self? Then from the responsibility of maintaining them and the health of the society which they govern.

He states as well that in Montesquieu’s words the “modern governments (of Europe at the time) are running fast to destruction; which the custom of keeping numerous armies constantly on foot, accelerates.”

This is really one of the places where I see the brilliance of those minds which conceived and birthed this “Third Degree” of Society – manifesting it as the United States of America – for one example, others being in effect but not so obvious. In my opinion, it may very well be the only reason that the old world governments didn’t collapse upon themselves – or even worse have to depend even further upon long military conflicts to maintain themselves. In my opinion further, it is those brilliant minds that made proper decisions in acting within that growth and progress to do so, instead of clinging to lesser capacity versions with that larger process and the effect of Proximity Gestation as I call it – in that only yielding again a societal downfall.

08-03-2006 As another note, I should point out the added brilliance in regard to the shift to “commerce/power” as a tool to utilize in effect a “warring dynamic” within the market, without the actual “war” in a military sense. It then became possible for things to be settled in a never before achieved level of civility…. while promoting and producing more possibilities and prosperity…which in turn then acted to lend support even to those sovereign structures – if only through the topically perceived opposition.


They opted to collectively put forward that which they had derived –each from their given “proximity” and perspective from given influences within their existences, there-in – to be utilized in the creation of this “Third Degree” of existence/society.

08-03-2006 I personally would have opted to omit the “genocide” employed in implementing it…but obviously that was a much different time and different level of understanding. Which again raises the point about “concept into application” and as well the issue of “pre-mature” implementation of concepts, to some degree.

Until that time there was little in regard to effort of combining several different perspectives in such a manner – in honing that which was known, and putting it forward in a very nearly conscious attempt to harmonize (accommodate the motion of) with the consistent effect of that larger process which I call Proximity Gestation.

I have happened upon a wonderful example of demonstrating the ill effects of the emulation I’ve been speaking of, and it’s result – I have noticed that many people have no real sense of self and such can be demonstrated here-in.

I have dubbed this example “De Bergerac Chess.”

It is the act of getting as many different opinions on your next move in a chess game as you can to insure your “victory” – this mostly transpires in “online” versions of chess.

I have purposefully been playing the same opening pattern of moves against a growing number of opponents, online, and have found that progressively a higher percentage of “opponents” are now making very nearly the exact same pattern of moves in response to it.

I am talking about a very large number of people – over 100, consistently making the very same moves.

It is an interesting phenomenon in several aspects – the first of which being that the meaning of the game has been entirely lost on such tendencies. To think that most all who employ the “De Bergerac Chess” tactic (which appears to be most online) think that it (the meaning or purpose) is solely “winning,” is quite alarming in regard to the substance element and reason aspects that are necessary in life as a human. This also demonstrates that “consumer mentality” and loss of substance in the depth of existence.

In capturing the “opponents” king with such tactics, you have really “won” nothing. You know nothing more about yourself and your capacity than when you began that “game.” In utilizing such, you endanger yourself and those around you through essentially falsifying your “victories,” and putting forward an ill – in accurate reference to and of yourself.

To utilize what is seen as a game of personal skill and capacity/intellect/understanding in such a manner isn’t really winning anything – a person loses every time they lose in that manner, and a perhaps even more so – every time that they think they “win.”

It is quite a strange occurrence to witness – the growing percentage of precise regurgitation of responses and patterns to the opening pattern I just happened to “devise” (so to speak) for this observation very near randomly.

In some instances, though not as large of a percentage, I have even met with the very same random pattern that I devised, within the “opponents” opening moves and games.

08-03-2006 To make this more clear; It isn’t as though I “devised” a pattern to employ for the purpose of “playing,” or “playing to win” the game. I “devised” the pattern simply to implement to keep a consistency. In fact, much of the beginning moves were more about “arrangement” than “positioning” so to speak.

This occurred very much “precisely” and in a considerable percentage of occurrence.

I might also add that the regurgitation of said “pattern” I “devised,” didn’t begin until well after an established response pattern was consistently in use.

In some examples, when I had found the “response pattern” to be overwhelmingly beyond any question of coincidence, I have thrown in a random game or two to see what would happen. As I had thought, it confuses those using such a response pattern and they usually then would stall their moves until they again could gain an advantage of someone else telling them where to move.

It is a fact that there are only so many combinations of moves that can be made on a chess board, though it is those combinations are rather extensive and so numerous as to make such a consistent percentage of the same response pattern, quite noticeable and highly unlikely as coincidental occurrence.


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