Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In speaking about taxes, Tracy mentions that the “poor” are always in greater number – there is always allot of them so to speak.

I realize while reading his works on taxation, that government greed has always been there in one form or another – and of course, still is, even with the measures that have been attained to stabilize it.

07-25-2006 - This example alone is testimony to yet another aspect of existence I am currently exploring in which I find that humans are innately imperfect – somehow always falling short of the desired result in brilliant ideology– and further that there is always something lost within the transition from “concept” into “application/realization.” That “cusp” and transition is something I am greatly interested in exploring further, and do in other notes to be converted into document format when I get around to it.

He mentions that then, if it was that government could have levied a tax on water and air, great profits would have been made.

Such has been achieved – most consumed water in our modern day is quite taxable in one way or other.

What I find astonishing is how incredibly inept government still is – much I believe due to that level of ignorance which is promoted in our modern society.

Given that any government’s desire is to collect taxation to spend, and to promote a healthy economy (optimum) to thrive on in that area and others, I am astounded at the very recent events within the political/social climate of the United States. It seems that within a few short years, decades reaching even to centuries of economic applied science, progress in a social manner and continual, mounting progression of prosperity has all but been annulled. The beginnings of a type of cyclical fruition in the mid 1990’s, has again turned into those “with, and the larger population of those “without.”

From my immediate recollection, more wealth was more greatly disbursed and “working” in that time frame than ever before. Creating more spending, more movement in the market and a healthier social environment which was quickly gaining even more ground.

There were fewer “poor” as we know them.

In the past nearly six years, efforts have been made that are returning society to a larger number of “poor,” wealth becoming more isolated through conglomeration.

There is actually less really working within the market place now.

As a quick description, someone started a domino effect of “taking” the prosperity of others, in the place of the trend of “making ones own.”

In my opinion, this is doubly bad for the government body – fewer things to gain income from and a growing need for services. That aspect on top of those helping to touch such a series off, gaining influence through posturing and promising to remove more taxes. Effectively, they have removed even more income sources for the government itself through such conglomeration and repealed taxes – while unemployment rises.

The strength of a thriving, growing economy is now façade of much fewer influences on a smaller actual market.

They have removed income for the government in removing working business, AND in repealing taxes while spending in record numbers.

There is no more actually being made in this atmosphere.


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