Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 02/17/2005 (Good And Evil?)



Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In the fifth section, Tracy speaks on liberty and constraint. “Oromazis and Oromanes, the good and the evil principles.”

He discusses the idea that liberty is pursuit of our desires through the exercise of will, which in turn he notes as the “goods,” product of our existence and endeavors. He speaks as well pertaining to the motive of our will to produce such action. I am surprised that Tracy hasn’t noted the effect of motive on “goods” in that sequence.

Should a persons motive be “ill,” most assuredly the product of that willed action – will be of the same caliber.

As an observation, it is evident that our modern day has strayed considerably from much of those philosophical points within his work. Most notably pertaining to “liberty and constraint.”

Many in our society actually look to and depend upon their constraints – entirely forsaking the ideology of liberty. Most insisting “affliction” to be desirable. Many seeing themselves as “affliction/afflicted” – Claiming happiness and liberty through submitting to ill constraints.

An experience I have seen and had to illustrate this “rift,” is that of those having dedicated themselves to purposefully not producing anything seen as “good” – have insisted on my exit from the culinary field so that they might pursue careers in food production.

I personally have talent and desire in that area, where many of those I am referring to want nothing more than monetary “wealth” and recognition.

Their motives, I might say – insure the ill quality of their product (especially in the long term effect), which is contrary to their stated desire. Such is evident of the ill fated directions of their choices.

To insist on the opportunity to prepare consumables, while caring nothing at all of its outcome – while insisting that those who would tend the trade with care and attention, be set aside so that they may produce ill product while reaping recognition. Isn’t it they which should seek other vocation?

People have to ingest the food matter that those with no care about its quality beyond recognition insist it is their right to prepare.

I fail to see any productive logic in such claims and efforts. It is my opinion that any person in such a position as is a culinary artisan, should exist to serve more than the pursuit of liberty in those means, but as well to serve existence to some degree. To be of the essence of existence to some degree. To embody the very substance of that trade to the point where their own existence is hardly discernable from that of such a trade. This, consistently as is the performer in those moments of epiphany and one-ness with their instrument and that which it emits through their effort and will.

Finding the meaning of liberty there-in.


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