Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/27/2005 (Human/Animal Element - Conditioned Aspects)




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



While again considering the effects of Proximity Gestation in regard to different percent levels of human element and “other,” and when considering phenomenon such as what I have described in the “De Bergerac Chess” situation – It is quite easy to see similarities between those with a capacity percent ratio which is higher “animal/other” than is most other people, and the actual “animal” capacity.

This is mostly in regard to the effects of repetitious conditioning.

Most animals – Horses, dogs, pigs, chimps…etc., are very susceptible to conditioning.

An example would be a fence line that any of those examples may become accustomed to over an amount of time, especially through walking a path directly related to it and its perimeter – when that fence is removed, those animals which have been conditioned to it, will continue to walk the same path.

This aspect, while becoming overly pronounced in a degree which is seen as mental illness in some, is actually quite a common tool in

Maintaining and moving society. Especially in education programs.

People are given information that is most times administered in such a manner, accepting such results as sufficient – with the substance of the information hardly if at all, being conceived – even less is the possibility of self realization in said directions. A “rat feeder” conditioning mentality; “example Y and example L equal example P, and that is just the way that it is.”

If the given pattern/conditioning is sufficiently regurgitated, the “prize” is then issued.

The information again, is very much as much of a distraction in this manner of usage, as is no “education” in that manner at all.

08-04-2006 It is that again I feel I should acknowledge a relationship in this instance. One that is very much related to the tendency I am currently exploring between “concept” and “application.” It is very much that consistency is important to the health of society, especially in certain tasks within it. But, as I have mentioned and again will reiterate; when that “consistency” reaches a level where it then becomes a stifling effect on the totality of existence, it then becomes a detriment to actual progress. I am in no way suggesting that our focus should be on promoting chaos within established “normality”- which are essential - only pointing out the detrimental aspects of that tendency to solidify, then seeping into even the more progressive areas of “thought” and progress. Becoming machine like on every level of existence, so to speak.Further then, to address that perspective in “topical” understanding with immediate example; It is that there are those thinking that they exist within the “third degree” of civilization – but as I’ve pointed out and similar to those examples of the first and second which are WITHIN the third – there is another aspect to this co-existence.

Within that “understanding” as a person might see it topically, is the assumption that the differences are not all that great or unique to one another. Upon deeper consideration though, and similar to the understanding of the impossibility of reaching perfection through effort, is the understanding that while existing upon the justifications and reasoning which is of the first and second, it is then impossible to actually be PART of the third. In fact, I would say that it wouldn’t be possible to even actually influence it at all beyond changing ones perspective within the reasoning and actions employed within the first and second. This being regardless of what any say or profess otherwise simply according to that which differentiates those “degrees” of civilization. For instance, one can posture of some greater or better stance- but while employing the ideas of “justice” based on vengeance of either “divine” or “human” origin for example, that said person can then not possibly be a part of the “third degree” of civilization in that instance. Simply based upon what it is that is represented and embodied within the idea of said. It doesn’t matter what excuses are presented or statements made to the contrary or otherwise. If it is that such divisions are breeched, then it is that said existence within something such as the third degree of civilization ceases. It only becomes a “neater” version so to speak, of either of the examples of decisions based on vengeance.

This again is another example of the “regression” we seem to be involved with as we claim to progress. In losing those insights and becoming more topical – we in turn are falling more and more into the areas where higher human intellect and capacity are no longer actually employed beyond simple interpretations of standards then being used for something other than their designs, and further, not realizing the loss in human element within existence.

Such conditioned, stationary methods seem most suited for the “first” and “second” degrees of society. Regardless of the level of complication with the information, it is still very much “old world” in the sense of actual education and conveyed substance.

I can’t see a reason that the brilliant minds which conceived and launched the idea of the “third” degree of society, would have intended such to be the standard - other than perhaps in the possibility of implementing a way in which to differentiate and select between those with a greater natural capacity, and those which relied on the regurgitation of existing information so to speak.

In the era in which the third degree of civilization was conceived, it seems that pupils were put to learning of themselves before being introduced to the complications of information(s) - there-in knowing immediately, more-so better their meaning and application within their own perception - grasping the substance as it was introduced with greater ease.

The only use in a social sense that I can see of our modern version of that, is as I have stated - in that though, there seems to have become many problematic aspects - again as I have described in the failings to maintain those elements of the third degree of civilization, mostly a lack of realization to their existence it would seem, all being outside of those established “fence lines” - though within and part of the information that is regurgitated time and again.

Such inversion seems much the result of the emulations of the first and second degrees with the safety of the third.

That emulation feeds it’s own ignorance of substance, over and upon itself time and again - seemingly replacing the natural progression of the effecting motion result of that larger process - Proximity Gestation as it were, with the “light of itself” so to speak. Further in emulation of the emulation it was/is. A “skipping record” as a description - such would very much yield the illusion of a finite existence.

In that common cyclical motion, it is hard to find anyone that has even considered a thought beyond what we know to be our universe - more beyond what has been dictated as standard and normality. For instance, when I present a notion of our entire known universe as speculation -being nothing more than the remnants of a larger, planet like object having broken apart - I was met with stunned guffaw and requests to substantiate my “claims” so to speak. To corroborate my speculation with and within the established, and very rigid structures I’ve described.

Firstly I should point out that I made no “claim,” I simply introduced an idea outside of the “normal” perspective for the purpose of consideration - be it a sound idea based on those established rigid structures and bodies of “information” and overwhelming consistencies of them - if only from a slightly different perspective in application and consideration - or not. I intend to progress that notion and perspective to some degree, as much to see the response as to continue what I feel is a healthy explorative thought direction.

Within the consistencies of what we as creatures know, it is quite possible and even probable that the “immensely large object” which speculatively was our universe as a single, solid object - had its own orbital path in something very similar to our own galaxy.

In that it is just as possible that our known universe exists at the moment, within the “shadow” of an even larger planet like object within that hypothetical galaxy - giving us the darkness we experience on the “back side” of our “planets.”

Though this is hypothetical, it may still be very probable, that in some future day (however many millions or billions of our years), that our universe - in its orbital path, could move out of the larger objects “shadow” - rendering what we know as daylight twenty four hours, per day every day.

08-04-2006 As I have noted in other journals, it is within my personal belief that given the supposed tendency of movement according to science, of and within the universe – especially as per expansion (thusly yielding the slowed orbit of even our planet), it is that it seems very possible to establish a relationship with the larger electromagnetic forces that seem to be falling away from one another. Though it seems a bit outlandish, I can see in speculation where, given the proper tools with which to implement it, said relationship could be used to actually stabilize that motion, then further stabilizing and even standardizing the speed of orbit and rotation.

Of course this is far beyond a grandiose idea being that it would be no less than centuries to develop large enough implements and/or equipment and tools to actually achieve such a relationship. BUT, as speculation and thought… being simple electromagnetic influence in that manner, as we know it…. Why then couldn’t such be a possibility? Sure, maybe a bit “sci-fi” at this point in our existence…but the basic and simple principals are there…at least according to our known science. (perhaps four repelling electromagnetic influences – poles, if you will, which cause the expansion of the universe as per said influence)

Something such as that sort of larger occurrence is just as probable as any other beyond our known speculation, then it is just as probable beyond that in our entire universe existing within said perpetual daylight for what ever length of “time” it takes for our universe to again pass into the shadow of another, larger object than itself.

Provided our son still exists at that time, it seems then that all would return to the “day” and “night” consistency which we know now. Even further in that conceptual speculation is a notion that what we know of existence could very much be destroyed, perhaps augmented in a way that would very much be conducive to such. Meaning that entirely different species could develop within the effects and influence of that larger process through Proximity Gestation occurrences…which would then be in relation to nothing as was before, but more in line with the effect of that perpetual daytime atmosphere.

In regard to this speculation, consider that such a perpetual daytime atmosphere would not be as harsh per say, as is our day time so to speak. In fact, as long as our son remained there would still be differences (however slight) in temperature and the saturation intensity level of light.

Further in regard to this speculation, those hypothetical species would then be subject to that larger movement of “time”. Our concept of “time” and that which we are accustomed to in the current effects and movement of Proximity Gestation – would no longer be real if even imaginable at all.

In that hypothetical situation, those species that developed in what we would see as perpetual daylight, would – through the consistency of said larger dynamic – become susceptible to the larger cycle of day and night. They would become conditioned to that larger scope of perception in regard to “day/night.”

What we would see in our present day as “perpetual daylight” – to those hypothetical species as it were, might very well only be lived and experienced as “one day” within our understanding.

All of the “time” that we have known as a day and night cycle…and perhaps even farther back – up until that moment beginning what we would perceive in our “time frame” as perpetual daylight, could be seen as “one night” from the perspective within the hypothetical situation.

Again, this hypothetical situation happening if it is that our universe is in orbit of an even larger body/object – as is the earths relationship within our galaxy. The difference being (besides “size” as we conceive it) that our “universe” in that respect, would represent the broken remnants of a larger planet like object.

As another musing thought… once accustomed to that “time frame,” regardless of how it was then perceived by those new species, would- from our perspective now be considered having attained immortality. “Life length” being theirs naturally, which we can hardly begin to consider – and on the very same planet (though augmented atmosphere through said speculation) on which we now exist.

Further then as consideration; That new type of existence would nearly have to be of and from the living organisms left here (on “Earth”) from our time of existence…this through that larger process of Proximity Gestation – but now being exposed to a larger consistency in consideration, so to speak.

Those hypothetical species would come into existence much in the same or similar manner and respect (through said process effect) as I believe is the case with our present existence. Many of those “creatures,” through a similar happening as I have explained pertaining to the “non- linear” aspect of that larger process, would die off due to their placement and various given elemental percent combinations within the effecting result of that larger process through Proximity Gestation. Further then in regard to their compatibility with that larger level of consistencies which would then be the norm. Meaning that only those which would survive- would be those which found themselves as harmonious within the given spectrum due to that process – as result of placement and elemental component combinations. This of course all being in relation to the “new” natural course of effect within that process, and then the reoccurrence of that Proximity Gestation interaction.

I don’t necessarily suppose that these species would be “larger” or “smaller”, or even too much different really in variation that much of those we know now – (such isn’t the point of this hypothetical exploration in example) – aside from the larger effect result which they would come into being within – through that process of Proximity Gestation – and then of course, within said effect results within that “new reality” in which they existed.

And of course – as stated in different words, the “larger” and “reality” referenced are simply from what would be our current perspective pertaining to such a drastic atmospheric and change in real perception, in comparison.

It is my opinion, through that hypothetical example, that our life expectancy as creatures and a species, and our physical changes (however slight they have been), is very much dictated through that resulting effect from said placement and result within the “current” level effects of said process of Proximity Gestation. This pertaining to all of the facets there-in.

I arrive at this opinion from the observation of existing consistencies, and conversely the consistency of inconsistencies as well – which of course serve to illustrate in a real sense, the motion in effect of that larger process when considered within those consistencies (inconsistencies) – exponentially, as they very often occur.

Hypothetically I believe that it would be possible to achieve a longer natural life span, even perhaps in the extremes of what we would consider immortality (or very near) – if it were that we could somehow find ourselves moving into another “level” within the motion effect of that larger process and its relationship with that eternal source – thus rendering a shift of sorts and subsequently a different resulting effect on ourselves through that process of Proximity Gestation. Metaphorically; To find ourselves transcended somehow FROM the “phase cycle” we are currently in and of within that larger process, into a “longer wavelength” which is “in phase” and conducive to our physical needs as well. To move to another “level” within that process, as it were.

I believe that something similar to that metaphor is actually happening naturally –perhaps in an immeasurable amount - as we “progress” so to speak. It isn’t so much that we are “changing” or “progressing” as creatures in a manner that we understand such to imply – but more that we are moving through – away from initial placement so to speak – within that larger process. Perhaps even as result of the effect of its own motion?

Perhaps such can be related in some degree, with the motion of our universe in its orbital path, and then as well with the motion of our galaxy within it, as physical example?

Another thought in regard to the proposed hypothetical situation, is that what we know as the sun – seems would only be perceived as a discolored streak across the sky in the perception of any “creatures” whose day then amounted to millions of years perhaps.

In that, who is to say that such a level of Proximity Gestation isn’t already under way? Further then, who is to say that our current existence isn’t a minute part of that development ecologically, even metaphysically? Different “dimensions” being only our perspective and very much simply different “levels” (of “phase” for example in terminology – in relation) of the consistencies with “Proximity Gestation,” both on “larger” and “smaller” levels.


Just more desperate disply here at blogger for some reason. Sad, but what does a bperson do when it is one or a few ass puppets responding in the interest of the sort of meat heads that would have some wierd interest in blocking study notes of all things?

Maybe someone is selling them to their empty headed college buddies? Maybe so "afletes" can get their degree so momma and daddie can be proud?


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