Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/23/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



Tracy observes that the advancement of civilization can be categorized as “simple democracy” and/or “despotism” being the first degree of civilization, “aristocracy under one or more heads” constitutes the second, “representative democracy” under delegates (being a new invention of his time) constitutes the third.

He then goes on to state that it is ignorance that governs/dictates the first, opinions are formed in the second (religion having a greater influence) – in the third, philosophy and reason prevail as the greater influence. He also observes that the principal motive for punishment is human vengeance in the first stage of civilization, “divine” vengeance in the second, and in the third- to prevent “future evil.”

Our modern society, existing presumably in the “third stage” of civilization – isn’t really. It has lapsed nearly entirely into states of the first and second stages- veiled in the structure of the third. It leads me to consider the thought that perhaps we as a species stumbled on such insights which lead to the conceptualization of that “third stage,” too early for it to be implemented efficiently.

Perhaps this is due partly to the continual influx of population which are greatly accustomed to those “first” and “second” forms of civilization?

08-01-2006 As a note, I am currently exploring something related to the idea of perhaps having implemented such concepts too early for effective result. It pertains to the perception of concept itself, and further in exploring that transition which occurs between “concept” and “application.” It seems throughout history, that our efforts to implement some of the most incredible concepts, has always fallen short of said designs. I believe this is due to several things, one of which being that transitional dynamic. Perhaps, in the manner in which we progress as a species, it illustrates the seeming diversion in actuation from intention. That is to say, it depicts in real result, that tendency for digression with the illusion of progress. This then suggests that perhaps the “information” wasn’t “discovered” too early, but the dynamic in transition of “solidification” and that seeming paradox relating to progress, has caused a sort of layered effect… which then in turn seems to mean that the direct efforts of implementing a given concept as we tend to do, aren’t correct at all. Then as a contradictory consideration, perhaps that is simply part of the larger process in an amalgamating manner?

The common dichotomy seems very much a battle between the “first” and “second” stages of civilization – both very much resembling the other in result.

Again, in observing it I can see where some thought that the “third stage” came into existence too soon – but I have to say that I can’t imagine it not having done so – given the time and occurrences around when it did come into being.

The possibilities of the “third stage” seem to be far less important to most of society than is using its structure as a place to exercise the “vengeful” aspects of the “first” and “second.” Effectively preventing the “intimate union” that Tracy observes as the preferable form of such representative democracy.

He states that “political liberty” cannot exist without “individual liberty” and neither without “trial by jury.”

The effects of the “first” and “second” stages of civilization within and on the structure of the “third” – render each form of that liberty – null.

Without liberty, there can be no “intimate union” within an atmosphere of vengeance cannot exist even the slightest of confederacies (or republics and much less democracy I imagine). There-in, arresting and nullifying any actual progress of society – especially that which might be considered “evolution.”

I think much of the problem stems from “fear” – more directly a lack of knowledge in what actually to fear that is produced with a growing ease of living that was/is produced from the existence of that “third stage,” mis-used and unappreciated.

As a personal observation modern “third world” nations/countries are mostly influenced through the “first” and “second” stages of civilization as has been illustrated in Tracy’s commentary, and modern “First World” nations are supposedly of the “third stage” of civilization.


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