Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/16/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In considering the problems of society in regard to building value then giving way to abuse of power, I consider some very recent political happenings – “Watergate” and “Whitewater” scandals – are good examples of the misuse of station for ends other than the proposed.

I am not looking at any particular political figure in any of these situations, I am looking at the situations. Many people don’t consider the variables pertaining to such scandals.

In both instances, numerous people “disappeared” – were “removed from the situation” in one way or another. In both cases there were many sudden deaths around each situation. Too many to be coincidental in my opinion.

My question is more in the direction of “responsibility” for those “removals.”

In such situations as shady business deals in such positions, they create opportunity for a phenomenon to be opportunists, which are very much scavenger element.

From what I can discern, that element is a remnant of old world tactics in the overthrow of kingdoms – families. Which, within our modern dynamic then creates an interesting aspect.

I am not going so far as to state that the political figures involved had no hand in such removals, but an aspect that many never consider is very much the potential of possibility in such situations – that being an element having nothing to do with the initial situation – suddenly using it as leverage and opportunity for such scavenging activities. The “removal” aspect may be nothing more than an effort to further incriminate the political figure.

These scavengers are in existence much because of the prosperity within society allowing for such leeway. Their inclination is to the ruin of something to gain for themselves.

As we know, such isn’t a productive or even profitable direction.

Further, to address such tactics in our modern day, it is very much possible for said types of business to transpire without even the victim being aware of being victimized. This can happen in very contained amounts of time which then yield some take from the actions while leaving the victim(s) entirely unaware of having been victimized.

In regard to general “blackmail,” it has never been more speedy that it is in the modern day. With the push of a key on a keyboard, every one on the planet can be informed and involved with any proposed direction of scripted response to a given example situation.

It’s senseless to employ for many reasons in the modern day, one of which is that it is rather inefficient in yielding any real profitability for any sustained amount of time. Another being, that society has (or supposedly has) progressed beyond the old black and white movie, good guy and bad guy situations – knowing now on a larger scale that a given amount of corruption always accompanies society.

It always has and probably always will.

The sad part about the “light speed” blackmail, is that it is grossly less efficient than is (or was a few years ago now) the modern approach and consideration of such a consistency within society.

Even doing so with modern communications, only renders a faster version of a far less efficient means for which to socially address the presence and dynamic of such a consistent reality.

Such archaic tactics and understanding, even when applied within modern technological communications is very much akin to breaking apart something which provides sustenance to many only to sell it for scrap – calling it profitable and even socially a victory.

The social/fiscal movement around such old approaches to society, and as well in relation to said “removals” then becomes a feeding ground for that dated and “dead end” avenue. It is very much of that consumer mentality I have mentioned and am currently observing more closely.

This then triggers a cycle of hush monies, will forgeries, estates frauds as well as other types of sad, hack like happenings… which of course is readily welcomed by many of the lawyer population.

It’s like making all of the bells and whistles go, without actually getting anything accomplished. It’s loads of action in motion and gossiping chatter, but only for the purpose of spinning the wheels.

It is hard to imagine that any supposedly educated person would see such as productive gain – at it’s heights, it more resembles a bad high school play. More frolic and drama than anything else.

It is as well very similar to that type of dead end corruption commonly found in government programs and social programs, which look to make sure that they remain needed.

It blatantly ignores that which gives value to the desired prize of even their own game…. Which, on a larger scale then points to that dependence on outside influence to maintain said value.

When compared to the opportunity and social possibilities of our modern day, to choose such a social direction as a whole and applied motion throughout society, is very much the subversion of humanity itself.

In regard to such tactics having been employed on a “sovereign” element… in ruining a sovereign; at least there is a kingdom. In such manipulations on a public political figure – there is nothing but vacancy and devaluation of that vacated position within the damaged system, and laughably small amounts of money in comparison to what was possible before breaking/destroying the very mechanisms which provide it. ~

In again putting thought toward my concept of Proximity Gestation; I believe I have established another reason that humans seem to be devolving.

Given the fact that with the idea of Proximity Gestation, there is a given amount of “animal” percentage in each races/persons genetic strain – and in that there is either a greater human to animal ratio, or an animal to human ratio in the spectrum of each race/animal species.

It is conceivable that as technology advances, humans use less of their given capacity, and more so with each generation.

Added to that, through the concept and understanding of Proximity Gestation – it is easy to see how humans can be adding to that “devolved state” through unchecked interbreeding – more in the direction of human/animal ratio than in inter-racial.

What this means to say is that within our breeding and coupling…. Regardless of inter-racial considerations… when it is that the larger amounts of “animal elements” are coupled with similar traits, we then fail to advance the human species in any direction other than making a better human animal so to speak. Then further insuring that we as a species actually lose ground within the modern ease of living through our technological advance.

Eventually in such a direction, our “species” would exist within a society full of amenities beyond their grasp and understanding.

07-27-2006 ; As I am currently exploring, it would seem that where the more intellectual designs of the human race were toward the direction of better humanity, even the species. It is now, that within the turn of our social direction for reason cited elsewhere, we now are bent on promoting the better “human animal” result. “Procreation” is quickly giving way to “Proliferation” of the species.

Envision a monkey with a loaded weapon?

It seems from observation as well, that a “human” with a higher “animal” to “human” element, is more prone to social mis-steps of the larger types; Violent crimes, crimes against humanity. It is within my belief as well that they are the same part of that spectrum which hold and act on things such as vengeance, grudges – violent retribution of an upward type. This I believe is due much to the larger animal element of their make up then coupled with the human element of cognitive thought- which then produces a difficulty in understanding said power through a mixed signals sort of interpretation. This is to say that the animal “interpretation” mis-interprets the human “signal.”

Those in our future in that direction being as result of the loss in capacity realization, existing in a world full of things beyond their grasp.

There seems to be another problematic area within the relationship between that “human” element and “animal element.”

When there is a larger evident loss of capacity, that is to say, when it is that there is a larger animal element within a given example, it seems to make it all the more difficult for that “example” to grasp the idea of cognitive thought and capacity – not to mention the finer points and possibilities of being human in that degree.

What our “progress” is doing, is creating a sort of synthetic version of that. Even in those that may have not been an extreme example of higher “animal” to “human” ratios, a similar displayed loss is happening. They do not seem to develop to the normal levels with which to approach that co-existence with understanding.

I can’t be entirely sure as to whether or not such is a permanent effect, that is- a permanent modification so to speak, or if it is that such is simply an “out of sight-out of mind” sort of thing as per conditioning, but I am sure there are those with access to the proper equipment that could make more specific measurements of such. I can only observe in my current station of life…and will make no pretensions toward some medical or scientific authority. What I am presenting in this respect is purely from observation and personal experience.

The detriment to human progress is obvious – more to some than to others.

What isn’t so obvious is the detriment to the exploration and understanding of that relationship. The possibilities within it for a sort of progress as well… more the connection with it.

In over saturating and bolstering such a ratio percentage one way or the other, it then limits the ability to explore that relationship. That is to say, even though it seems we have gravitated toward promoting the better human animal in our society…. In doing so we have limited the potential of interaction and exploration with that relationship itself. A “sea-saw” effect so to speak.

In those efforts to “purge” we as a species have set only a limited amount of “direction” in which to continue. We have concentrated on removing or magnifying one or the other, instead of exploring that relationship as it “naturally” continues and progresses.

We’ve done so largely in the use of those modern media formats. Actually standardizing what we think everyone should “be” and “want” as per that relationship within large groupings. Missing out on much other opportunity through a stunted effect.

Another aspect of this tendency within our modern society to lump things together, is that within that evident direction of grouping in such pronounced manners, we in effect have “smeared” what could potentially be traceable elements within individual existences pertaining to things such as “proximity” and of course the possibility of further understanding that larger motion as it effects our existence. In effect, eventually producing a large indiscernible combination of different influences- a smear as it were - and the lack of capacity with which to comprehend it anyway. Essentially then becoming incredibly inferior creatures within the ease of those technological advances AND being too stupid to know it so to speak. Being so “advanced” that we don’t know we have become ignorant.

This gives me thought toward multiple personality disorders. A larger imbalance of said human/animal ratios and miscommunication between those respects, both being retarded to some degree within that relationship.

To sum this to some degree, it is through my personal observations and experiences within society that I have determined that; Even within the most “primitive” of people in our modern day- through the combined effects of proximity gestation and the given level of those modern influences, there are those within any given tribe, species or society examples which are of a higher human element to animal influence percentage AND there are those, even within the same tribes and societies, with a higher animal to human elemental percent influence ratio.


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