Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/02/2005



Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In further thought, a person has to recognize the more intricate dynamics of our modern society.

Within combinations and varied groupings of structured thought patterns – is an overlaying structural pattern. It, in itself is another conundrum – being again indicative of the over all patterns of emulation.

Those/that dynamic stems largely from technological influence – most being our different forms of media.

Within this body of different forms of media is a motion that creates the “tail of the comet” so to speak, which is our perception and perception and placement in and of the moment of “time.”

There are those within society that are more to the “front” of said “tail,” those who are part of the “comet,” those who are part of its direction, those who lead its way.

From what I can discern, most of society resides within the “tail” of that metaphoric media “comet” – mostly to the middle/mid rear of it.

To illustrate this dynamic in a less metaphoric manner – a person could examine television for instance. There are those that inspire the programming. There are those that are part of that programming fabrication. There are those that produce and perform it. There are those that wait and anticipate its broadcast. There are those that pay little attention to it at all.

Most of the population are not aware that most of certain types of programming are done, finished and ready for broadcast considerably before they are actually broadcast. Entire seasons of some programming is filmed within a matter of a few weeks – long before any scheduled broadcast.

In fact, even the advertisements for each installment are scheduled months before they are aired.

This creates several different areas within society and as well, a perceived “lapse” of time.

It is problematic when those following the dictations of such programming, move into positions of decision making influence. More so when it is that such is not considered in some regard as social stimulation.

Many are the same types of people I have recently mentioned, that do not only dwell within such forms of “ignorance” of depth, but seem to cling to it – as if to know in some degree, of much more which should be involved.

What such people seem to do in effect within such instances, is disrupt an already precarious procession full of many risks.

As the dynamic of the media plays out in society as it is structured – it seems to create a void between those “communities” which are fabricators, and that much larger body which follows it. This void being much more than in a metaphysical sense.

What’s more is that there is a phenomenon, which is apparently promoted, of those which follow the programming then beginning to think that they are a part of its fabrication.

This does act to keep a “fan base” nearly religiously following the programming – but is as well one of the great dangers of the modern medias dynamic. In some ways, it acts to fold that “comet tail” back onto itself in a certain mind set…. as if the “tail” were catching the comet instead of following as does a tail – if only fictitiously in support of said psychological shift.

In my belief, this dynamic and the issue of dangers I have mentioned (as well as others), is much of the reason for the “bottle necking” effect and “finite” appearance of our existence (cerebrally) and the perception of time. Even promoting the stagnation of society in extremes.

In relation to Tracy’s “Political Treatise” – that promotion of such belief is likened to the making of paper money where there is no focus of value – Such a dynamic is very much social/societal and metaphysical counterfeiting. Robbing even ones own self in producing such extended fabrication. Devaluing that which you seek to enrich, gain.

It is likewise similar in respect to becoming small “governing bodies” – essentially creating false economies (socially) within their influence. As “governing bodies” go – things soon become a game of “owing” – no one ever really fulfilling any debt.

With this effect and contractual obligations in the actual producing areas of commerce for instance – there are other great dangers to economic health of entire societies. That game of “owing” becomes a source of devaluation; Firstly, quite simply through movement of “product” creating false numbers, with no actual compensation – thus climbing prices and loss of value in real “tender.” ~

In chapter VII of Tracy’s “Treatise On Political Economy,” he makes a very insightful statement (if I may say) “….. without perceiving it, we are already much farther advanced than we are aware.”

This statement was made some 200 years ago.

Much of the substance and matter that is being discussed in this work, holds true in our modern day.

Cognitive thought. Simply. The very thing that truly separates humans from animals has been consistent throughout our existence.

The capacity to acknowledge our existence and that of others.

It is quite advanced when a person considers how separate it makes us from all other creatures.

Even over 2000 years ago such difference existed in extreme measure.

I feel and think that such a consistency is due very much to our interactive connectivity and is indicative of consistency of that “Eternal Influence.”

Again, I find myself having to acknowledge that our technical advance is our own shackle toward realizing the potential of our capacity for enlightenment and harmony with that flow of that “Influence” through our interactive connectivity and the structures of our selves. The two dimensional aspects of our “advances” seem in effect on our capacity as a limiter.

In fact, in some instances, to cripple entirely the ability and course of progress to “ascend” – even to simply begin to fully realize the potential of our mind.

This occurs as well in the “over focus” on any given area of “information” ; sciences, mathematics, on and such….

To use an old paraphrase – “It keeps us from seeing the forest for the trees.”

Before many realize themselves, it is quite common for them to be overwhelmed with an over abundant wealth of intricacies, particulars and trivialities – rendering them without the greater of the meaning.

It is my belief that it is through ones self that information gains its true substance.

Without the realization of a persons essence and existence – such intricate particulars not only lose meaning (over generations especially), they become cumbersome – no longer efficient as the tools that they are and were meant to be.

This seems to have created a situation which has even amplifies ignorance through its use without understanding… that being through enlightenment of ones self. Only learning the “empty shells” without any of the substance. The words without their meaning so to speak. Never really engaging that capacity – simply re-iterating strings of characters.

There-in I believe may be the beginnings of the “man made” dichotomy.

Those which realize our capacity as creatures, and those which are “frontal” in thought and capacity – animated flesh and blood.

I have to consider that through something to my concept of “Proximity Gestation,” that some are more pre-disposed to finding the needed insight while others may lack almost entirely.

“Lacking” such insight doesn’t necessarily limit a persons ability to memorize and regurgitate all those “empty shells.”

When I consider “Proximity Gestation” and how it is that I see it to transpire (and has transpired), it gives me ample explanation for the varying, different apparent pre-dispositions.

It provides example for the differences of such (and other differences and similarities) within every walk of human existence – and many explanations for the same similarities and differences within the other creature population.

I think it is safe to say that the capacity is there within every human creature – existing at different levels of accessibility.

As proof of this direction within existence and the concept of Proximity Gestation – a person only has to look at other creatures. Many prove as example in the display of smaller amounts of what is our capacity for cognitive thought.

Other “primates” for example, display some capacity in that direction (as well as other slight similarities) – even displaying the ability to communicate with sign language at a very rudimentary level. I cannot bring myself to see such things as evidence of our origin – as many do – suggesting we became what we are from such a state of existence.

I see it as proof entirely of the occurrence of something very much in the manner of my concept of Proximity Gestation.

A person can see other slight examples in many of the animals that humans have domesticated – such as dogs, cats, pigs…. Etc.

Another aspect and application of the process of Proximity Gestation beyond “origin,” is that of proximity through generations. Elements of our essence and existence having effected the direction of domesticated species development – wolves became dogs as to say.

This I believe has much to do with interactive connectivity and its “proximity effects” through the centuries.

In a quick explanation- the “wombs” of given mammals in any proximity, harmonizing in a metaphysical sense. Our dominance, mostly through our capacity and awareness, being just that as an influence on the domesticated animal and within that “proximity” relationship. We aren’t only “dominant” as far as “omnivore” in the food chain sense, but that “dominance” extends with that capacity advantage. We are then, a dominant presence of influence within that larger process.


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