Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 02/27/2006



Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



I look around and listen to people communicating – It very much is seen as a normal in violation of those current business laws put forward in the effort to insure healthy business.

If history isn’t enough to prove the result of simply repeating already tried and failed directions in such actions – then sadly it is again that society will have to experience the ill effects of those repeated actions.

It seems to be that our society is expected to learn the same lessons over and again for each class (group) of people in succession, as well as per each generation commonly. The “next” easily believing that their “re-run” of failed tact will not result in the same failures.

There seem to be those that utilize such ignorance even while claiming it profitable. Historically in such situations if gone unchecked, the quality of product falls as does the quality of living and society – even while being promoted as not being such.

To address this cyclical occurrence in such a manner as to utilize those tendencies by implementing an augmentation (such as diversified currencies for example) into the mechanism which society governs through, it would seem that such tendency could then be a benefit to the larger prosperity and productivity (quality of life) as result of those ill fated tendencies. We know with each generation this “backslide” will be a risk of occurrence. Why not then utilize that insight through such augmentations beyond the typical and rather rudimentary scavenger hunt that it usually turns into?

As a society a person would think that we are far more advanced than having to depend upon the same “junk yard ploy” in capitalizing on this tendency and its frequency of occurrence. We can put people in space. Why then can’t we devise a more efficient use for the inherent failings of our society with the progression of it through the generations? Essentially turning that predictable and reoccurring “energy source” into a more efficient producer.


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