Friday, October 27, 2006

Continued Studies; 01/08/2006




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



Reading further in the second volume of Montesquieu’s Complete Works.

In Book XXIII he addresses the subject of propagation – more directly, the different effects that various economic structures and social situations have on the multiplication of the human species.

If he were alive today, I am sure he would fall over dead with horrific laughter – especially in the United States.

He cites many instances and effects of those instances – but I am curious if he ever would have dreamed that societies would become so safe and abundant as to introduce fictitious “drama” as problems within them in such manners?

It is as he describes, in his day that certain “classes” of people would more easily produce more off spring for several reasons – some of which being to have more readily the ease of efficiency and productivity in the agricultural areas of society – as well as an ease of propagation in poorer areas within city structures – for which to sell of indenture into labor.

In modern society, there is a different area to be considered which consists of those not so much in need, but more in a mental instability which dictates a fictitious want.

I am referring to a “class” of people that purposefully mis-interpret and apply laws and standards meant for the health of society – many of those people simply seeing some type of misconstrued “free ride.” Most of them already having substantial incomes to begin with. Some of them even going to great lengths in procuring the identities of others (in lower tax brackets) to procure further monies in their persona, from the government and other sources.

It is that many females in these “ranks” even use each others children to bolster already ill gotten funds. This while the desolate areas of society which they create in such actions, are largely ignored as non-existent. Left to erode and corrode with and under this pseudo “class” of society.

I have seen many instances where-in the “Roman” dynamic of exclusion has been even wrongfully employed (as well as incorrectly used) in justifying these desperate measures.

It is very much that these type of people have been left un-checked (in some cases even supported) for such a time as this action has been fitted with an air of “standard” and normality.

It is a toxin on even itself, though anyone in the modern day that sees it must keep silent for fear of becoming its waste product in that false dynamic… some even targeted through the misuse of such influence as is/are government affiliations, or worse.

It seems to have sprung from efforts in placing standards for equality – but in the course of those standards and laws being wrested from those with proper understanding – they have been left in the hands of the ignorant and greedy, now touting some mantra about seeking individual freedom and economic self sufficiency.

Laughably there is none to be had and very much from their own posturing, flailing and actions.

They are their own prison.

The tragedy in the larger sense of all this, is many fold.

Firstly that the actual mechanism itself is in no way complicated, especially to the degree of presenting any justification for such mis-employed action.

I know this quite simply because I can see it.

I can see the efforts in abuse being blatantly obvious and I can see the potential benefits of the mechanism itself.

I can see how wonderfully simple and productive it is meant to be.

I am not of any “superior” intellect or upbringing.

In a simple description, there is simply no reciprocation – at levels throughout. Then further, this misuse has presented the effect of removing those with a common and simple interest in existing. Replacing them with people claiming a “superior” understanding and intellect in perpetuating and perpetrating the actions which have imprisoned them.

Again, I believe this aspect is due to displacing actual understanding with the ignorance and posturing which in turn fuels the desperation creating the self imprisonment. It is very much “functioning despotism.” An “athletic leper, as it were.

What could be a finely tuned, productive for many type of “mechanism – is a clambering, clunky production somewhere between the Marx Bros. and The Three Stooges.

Perhaps in the speedy onset of technology (and all – including the amplified effect of corruptions), it was needed to introduce something for which to use in breaking a cycle not dissimilar to what it is now…. That, in turn lost sight of its purpose and became even worse than that corrupt impasse it was set forward to rectify – to compensate for?

Mayhaps, what is being seen now is only remnants of the aforementioned corruptions – even further devolved from even the level of understanding from which they originate in the initial use of such corruptions?

I still hold that the prevailing, topical though quite literal atmosphere which modern communications technology has created – that removal of human element and understanding, has at the least helped to create such a rift in the social climate.

The simple understanding I possess and experience in my studies isn’t in those workings at all from what I can see. It is as if someone simply implemented a computer program wrought with corruptive elements as well, as per said uses – then called its result “right and good” if not, quite laughably – “just.”

I personally would rather find myself addressing the problems of maintaining a civilized society – addressing the age old troubles of keeping prosperity at an optimum as to avoid downfall, than I would to find myself wondering how to keep an abused old, uncared for jalopy running so as to avoid similar ends. Both examples being potentials of the very same mechanism we as humanity have designed and implemented – and find ourselves now shackled in the effort and desperation of even just getting the old jalopy to idle a few minutes per day in hopes of some trinket like, valueless prize.


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