Friday, October 27, 2006

Continued Studies; 12/28/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In beginning Montesquieu’s “Spirit Of Laws, Book XX,” it is less than the first four paragraphs before I am struck with near comical comparisons of his shadow in our modern day.

Montesquieu begins Book XX with the subject of commerce and immediately cites the value of commerce beyond fiscal wealth. He even attributes good manners to commerce. He then cites that such is because of the very same reasons that commerce destroys those “good manners,” acting to eventually corrupt the purest morals – then giving reference to the Gauls having experienced such success there-in as to make tem complacent and inferior to even those they had conquered consistently.

08-24-2006 Again I feel I should point out where it is in my observations and opinion, that part of the brilliance in the design of what is supposed to be our modern government, is in effect to employ those tendencies toward said “corruptions” and others, in the interest and health of the society as a whole. This, as I have mentioned, I go into further detail about in my more recent notes.

He cites as well a reference to Plato; “…and we every day see, that they polish and refine the most barbarous.”

This does present a rather interesting cyclical notion. From observation – of what I know of history and what I know of our modern day (admittedly not “masters degree” in either example) – it (commerce) then could be said to be responsible for the perpetuation of ignorance as well.

In fact, it has been stated in regard to the bi-polar effects it yields on societies – polishing one extreme while acting as corrosive to the other – it promotes the passing of ill information from one generation to the next.

This is the only option in that series of events as it is very much NOT the case that those corrupted area ever find a level of existence which could again be considered “un-refined.” It isn’t as though the “corrupted” areas ever lose their “station” so to speak – which means that over generations said “polishing” aspect is simply the corrupt passing what is then “social illness” to the next generation as well as the “un-refined.” Distorting with each cycle, those things which are mandatory in sustaining healthy commerce.

Soon enough, as can be observed in modern society – the cycle itself becomes nothing but parroting a mimicking with no sense of even the most rudimentary aspects of actual value much less healthy commerce.

He then states, in the second chapter that; “Peace is the natural effect of trade.”

Such must be true of complacency derived from said – and must put forward great efforts in finding reasons for war. Even within that compromised cycle of commerce.

It is no surprise in the speed with which the corruption, complacency and ill information (parroting) has become the normal, given that incredible instance within the past 100 years or so.

08-24-2006 As per my current studies and observations, as I have mentioned pertaining to the use of corruption – it is that this cycle has become so wide spread and of the “standard” in occurrence, that said “parroting” makes up the whole. I see this as per design to some degree – even the growth and spread of the consumer mentality populating much of the social structure currently. Within the ignorance of said consumer mentality is assurance of continued forms of corruption in various ways. With that then, is the assured continuance of the sustained prosperity – IF said cycle is maintained and the mechanism itself isn’t derailed. Those ill effects from commerce, are in effect utilized in this design to police themselves on that larger scale. In a personal opinion, noting the brilliance of said design, this then yields an effect where a Utopian society can be maintained – “Utopian” being represented much in what we currently experience as a society even considering all of the apparent mishaps. What we exist within in our current day, is far and away beyond any level of human society ever achieved much less sustained.

Those problematic elements can never manifest to the degree which brings carnage and down fall within this design… as long as those other and various forms of corruption can be tolerated. Even the efforts in removing the worst forms of those corruptions from the direction of the now ignorant (consumer mentality) within said society, are again a part of that social motion sustaining the entirety of it and the efficiency.

To destroy the sustaining effects would take an entire overthrow and removal of not only the base structure, but the concepts it is based on as well…even further so, where ever they may have already again begun to manifest in other civilizations.

I personally cannot see how anyone could think it better to exist within despotic and dilapidated examples of other forms of failed social structures. Isn’t it better to deal and cope with social changes as well as those seemingly perpetual and inherent flaws of humanity through a social structure designed to utilize the predominant tendencies of humans within any society?

As further note, a person can see where it is actually progressing to some degree in its success, being that early on it was warring and destruction that propelled it as forms of corruption, where now it is more subtle forms of those various corruptions – much in the manner of corporate and business as well as social demonstration and change. As per the form of corruption associated with the idea of education itself, another example of that progress can be seen in the fact that less actual corruption is transpiring within said education – being the saturation of said consumer mentality/ignorance replacing actual intellectual advance and learning – which then in turn acts to feed the cycle of corruptions involved as result of said ignorance then permeating society in the form of that expanded ignorance and consumer mentality.

Such advances have even apparently made possible the sustaining of such despotism and façade, while maintaining a relatively healthy society in the topical/physical sense.

A curious dichotomy in the fact that the very same advances which have brought about “light speed” corrosion of standards and corruption to the levels of no longer possessing the actual knowledge beyond mimicry – acts to check the overt and obvious effects of those erosions upon the greater cycle of “hand to mouth” which we call a healthy society.

In any other time in history, the levels of complacency and corruption which are now normal, would have brought about the demise of the society which embodied them – either through civil unrest, disease, being conquered or various other reasons.

How much can it stand?

He then continues in chapter II to examine privation, the spirit of trade, the effects of such and different relationships regarding individuals and nations.

It brings the thought and question to mind as to why, in our modern day, there has been devised no stage for the “commoners” international trade? A “co-op” of sorts open to all citizens of any nationality for corresponding goods and wares within international laws, of course – giving opportunity for “individuals” to exercise their capacity in representing on a nations level, those benefits put forward and examined within the “spirit of laws?”

This could even give way for the base on which to establish a new set of “trade” categories within the larger “market.”

In my simple view, I see no ill effect in such toward the existing categories, given that all but the select interests of very few are ignored within them.

Such an establishment would really only provide a more precise means with which to measure already existing form of commerce, and would promote those positive effects illustrated with “The Spirit Of Laws” pertaining to commerce.

I do believe something as such would be capable of embodying the simple pleasures of prosperity though the volume may be of little concern to those modern behemoths – it is in that, within my belief – where in the true pleasures in life reside. Those simple examples of uncomplicated prosperity. And, as Montesquieu states; “It can hardly be carried out by a people swallowed up in luxury who spend much, and see nothing but objects of grandeur.”

Such are the type of people addressing individuals through the market place – as groups as large as nations – sending literal boat loads of product to factories and other anonymous destinations for just as anonymous applications and uses.

In thought while reading, I happen upon a puzzle of sorts.

Even in the time of Montesquieu, he refers to Plato, Aristotle…. And other early philosophers I am sure I will find – but here I sit toward the end of 2005 and much of what Montesquieu has put forward still firmly resonates – in varying degrees – within our modern societies, as does those things put forward in the early stages of cognitive intellect.

It is stated time and again that “everything has been said” even in reference to those very early great minds. If this is so, how then is it that we continue with implied advance?

How so then, even in Montesquieu’s day?

How is it then, that within all that we know, it is very much possible to have attained that level of civilization where-in all of life is each moment for the benefit and pleasure of those within it as put forward in such wisdoms, but somehow we have and continue to fail in achieving such an atmosphere? Further we seem to continue to strive in almost completely opposite directions from it at every turn, including the hobbling of societies in social senses which actually promote ill atmospheres for such a decadent level of civilization to manifest.

How is it possible that we as creatures can be so advanced in so many ways, but only wield it with the ignorant grunts and lunges of meat heads? Further only pursuing fleeting moments of “power” with which to exercise those lunges in subjugating any and all else that happen to fall prey to those intentions within all of the other possibilities.

Thank goodness for “sport” in many respects!

How is it that we can claim advance while demonstrating the restraints upon ourselves as wild beasts – for very wrong reasons?

What curse is it truly, to exist with the capacity and ability for so much beyond what we sustain laboriously as a sort of personal flogging?

To truly be beyond our day and age within the capacity of our mind, while mired in the fallacy of our age. Shackled to the splintering and empty forms of reality bombarding us in each moment.

How did we fool ourselves?

O sit in a public reading room now, which predates the façade of our modern day – such a dwelling could not have been produced in 2005.

I sense a curiosity to muse on it. Where did our society “lose that trail?” That timbre? That “civility?”

How did we forget such simple elegance – forget to bring it along?

How would it have developed along its “natural course?” Its course, that is, sans the modern “speed” at which we have traversed in such a short period of time?

Have we then cast ourselves even further from that supposed goal of realizing extended bliss within our existence? Heaping upon its doorway the repeated failures in the desperate flailing for any satisfaction in our “modern times.”

Is it simply that I “romance” my personal leanings in such musing? Show myself as a “sentimental” creature to some degree, in recognizing common majesty – recognizing the ground work of majesty meant for all to embody and employ? To spend this life surrounded with the decadence fir for kings, nobility common for one and all?

We can exchange messages with one another instantly in our modern day – all of the way around the world. But much of those exchanges are without substance.

What is it then, which has been lost in our speedy transition?

In chapter V of book XXI, I find a greatly pleasing passage pertaining to commerce; “The history of commerce, is that of the communication of people: Their numerous defeats, and the flux and reflux of populations and devastations, here form the most extraordinary events.”

I see this as quite the giggle in illustrating the “comedy of errors” which is modern humanity!

The statement is true enough I suppose, in my opinion – and I find no comedy there so much as I do in the fact that it is truthful.

If you apply that to modern communication, it presents something near hilarity.

Very factually, we are cheating ourselves of life experience and actual developments through our heightened speed of communications – and there-in “instant commerce.”

We cheat ourselves of those "extraordinary events" through cheating those "events" of a place in which to develop, unless it can do so "instantly." Granted, that is only one perspective and interpretation of that passage – but the comedy in it, is that it holds true for the most part in our modern world.

"Extraordinary events" become diffuse and polarized before they can even develop entirely.

In that haste as a society, we devour instantly – as embryonic – those things which in all other respects should have continued to develop and "played out" of their own meter – if it weren't for that aspect of "instant" exchange.

How much potential then, has been cast aside for failing to develop "instantly?"

How amusing we are as creatures.


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