Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/10/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



Continuing in “The Human Mind,” Condorcet touches again on something that proves to be a wonderful support for that somewhat wishful inclination of a “city of minds” which I have expressed in previous notes.

He states “but if it be true, as every prospect assures us, that the human race shall not again relapse into it’s ancient barbarity; If everything ought to assure us against that pusillanimous and corrupt system which condemns man to eternal oscillations between truth and falsehood, Liberty and servitude, we must, at the same time, perceive that the light of information is spread over a small part of our globe; and the number of those who possess real instruction, seems to vanish in comparison with the mass of men (and women) consigned over to ignorance and prejudice.”

This is stated in regard to the advent of information “highways” such as printing.

At a brief contention – this type of attitude is what seems to have dwindled the already scarce population of those with understanding beyond the topical – those possessing grasp of substance.

I am in no way saying that such a statement holds no truth – I am however citing the fact (and tendency) that within the “corrupt system” humans tend to go to extremes in many regards – both voluntary and non- voluntary.

In those extremes, have manifested the likenesses of things I have already mentioned such as the difference in the age of exposure to enlightenment between our modern day and even that as recent as Condorcet’s.

Notably, in our modern day, in an extreme percentage – that enlightenment is never set forward.

A “mid-teen” in the time of Condorcet and before, was already pondering such substance.

I have met people with doctorates (masters degrees) in our own day, that have yet to even realize beyond what has been topically presented to them as “information.” Most of these people posture (as is expected to some degree) as if they are in possession of some power within their collection of topical information. Unaware almost entirely of existence in some cases – even more so, of existence beyond their opinion and political motive…their perspective. Trusting entirely that topical information without their own affirmations.

Immediately, I could see what could be a beauty about this. It is a form of self containment fueled through some need of the acceptance of some other thing. That acceptance being popularly defined as “success.”

In a given perspective it is really very little (if any) success at all – which is another contradiction and contradiction of that which they seek in a very literal sense.

This effect on a larger scale seems as part of what could then lead to that “relapse.”

Another aspect of such an extreme is the advance of corruption within those smaller ranks of enlightenment. Corruption of the sort that is not in the direction of enlightenment (directly anyhow, as enlightenment itself is a form of corruption) – rendering null their purpose and dwindling their numbers even farther.

In my own opinion, I very much think that a more saturated exposure to such enlightenment would be the (or a sufficient) remedy to counteract that re-establishment of rampant ignorance.

I do not mean exposing every human to the heights of enlightenment.

I do however, suggest exposing every human to the beginnings of their own path which could lead to such enlightenment – should they find themselves of such interest. This in the place of massive, over exposure at a university level – then hoping that some may actually make realizations. I would do so very early on.

Granted, many such insights are the responsibility of personal relation and even community – but in the public setting, within these communities, access and exposure to the beginnings of those insights should be made available – as per my own opinion.

Philosophy for instance, in regimented, incremental stages should become a part of very early education, and done so in various manners. Perhaps further becoming a more prominent premise with children’s stories.

Again, I am not referring to the heaping of information or worn out tales with a moral to the story… but more different avenues with which to explore various approaches to even thinking itself.

Condorcet then continues with a statement assuring that such a group of “enlightened” and their existence “shall not fall below a point to which it has been carried” – presumably doing this through assurance and confidence in the sciences, their theories, the growing numbers of those involved and of course the printing press – from his then current perspective.

08-18-2006 As I’ve touched on and will further explore, this has actually developed a pattern which is consistently becoming more narrow in perspective for various reason.

In many ways, all that those things have done is to create much opportunity for despotism, corruption and definitely being some importance; the detracting of the amount of people which are of an “enlightened” sort.

I think this effect was not expected.

I believe that the speedy onset of perceived progress in those areas acted to over shadow the very importance of that substantial enlightenment – rendering the efforts of accumulated information empty of depth in substance and understanding. In effect, rendering itself ignorant in many respects. In that then becoming part of those “consigned over to ignorance and prejudice.”

This being true in many regards as can be seen when perceived as a challenge or threat to popular ideas and current existing stance. When really, in the larger picture, it is only a given perspective which may be seen as being challenged.

When a different view from commonality is presented in our modern day – it is immediately met with said ignorance in various forms, spite, even forms of masked jealousy.

All being forms of ignorance and prejudice.

Most being leveled from the direction of many within that established structure meant to promote enlightenment.

Most being directed from many posturing of such enlightenment – many times without even consideration.

The internet itself is a good barometer of the existing level of that ignorance and prejudice – even more an example of the levels of corruption with the accumulated example of supposedly enlightened minds.

When considering the potentials of such a tool as the internet, it is truly staggering – until that is, a person becomes knowledgeable of how useless it has been rendered with the existence of that posturing. It is another example of the overshadowing effect of technology and its rapid, supposed progress.

It is exemplary in metaphor regarding the misdirection of our supposed progress.

To compile astonishing amounts of what amount to “characters” arranged in some semblance of order – christening it knowledge – opposed to the development of our true capacities.

Incredible amounts of information packed into the mind without substance, chosen over depth and potential of our existences.

A stream of data as opposed to actual thought - interactive connectivity – through enlightenment.


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