Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Continued Studies - 04/28/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation




I happen upon a passage referring to superstition always being present (and used) within a despotic organization.

08-17-2006 I realize recently upon closer observation of the manifestation which is the modern United States pertaining to that brilliant concept being the “third degree” of civilization – that said tendency toward various forms of superstition are heavily employed in the mechanism itself. Loads of symbolism that in turn drives those tending toward such superstitions into near obsession at times…which then in turn guarantee’s the absence of stagnation in many ways – thus utilizing those elements of corruption and other said tendencies which historically had felled entire civilizations, as a means with which to sustain it.. Again, I have several pages of notes pertaining to these explorations that I will include at a further date.

What an incredibly interesting facet of human existence!

It is definitely (and quite obviously) related to cognitive thought – no other creature is subject to it.

I immediately consider that perhaps superstition is really just a resonance from earlier cycles within that larger process – when- in fact – due to the directness and volume of connectivity, it very much was possible to effect our surroundings through said connectivity (within my belief) directly, and further as is common even in the modern day. There are reasons that “primitive” cultures developed social positions such as “shaman,” “medicine man” and such – it even gives rise to consideration that those given imposed thought patterns were derived much for the reason of containing the effects (and directing the effects) of that connectivity on the larger scale.

Though it seems odd to consider in our modern mind set, many of the early tendencies and traits of human existence seem to be as direct result of a similar, more potent version of what we now see as superstition. Those tendencies now being seen as superstition being so because of that “direction” from structures imposed – which lessened the connectivity and degraded its potency – so to say.

From an objective perspective, it is that religious ritual is very much only consistent exercise of an achieved pattern within a presented structure.

Any attempt at such utilization beyond that set and provided structure and consistency, is labeled as a superstition within the said structure.

I find it laughable that either “form” would claim the other as non-existent, being that both are of the same reasoning with different approaches and many times, different desired results.

The “superstitions” that we “know of” today are really seen as nothing much more than obsessive compulsive disorder – obsessive and compulsive actions based on a “hope/want” and some sort of affiliated – preconceived result.

I see it as a diluted resonation. An emulation. Even a reaction in the place of that missing connectivity – a “groping” for it of sorts. A desperate act in attempt to fill an absence – a grasping.

A very curious subject most definitely – especially knowing the truth in what was the ability through interactive connectivity, to achieve things such as “calling rain.” This ability being quite recent in its presence within humanity – and then overshadowed of course, with the advent of technology and further with the development of things such as “cloud seeding.”

Oddly enough, it was/is those which were opposed to such interactive connectivity, which then did nothing more than emulate it artificially through such technological developments.

Even more of an interesting point, the levels of “superstition” within those groups which developed technological emulations, was and is no less than those which they opposed. It was simply less effective, more removed – while even being more present in some instances (much in the manner of that “grasping”). Present to the degree of begetting a much larger percentage of those obsessive compulsive disorders – as well as obviously having attracted more of that tendency within human nature as per its employ, being the resulting popularity of said attraction.

As per said disorders, this has happened in a degree which has produced the opinion of such “disorders” being superstitions in and of their “workings.”

Within that technological emulation, such obsessive grasping is nothing more than further empty emulation. It puts them “well behind the pitch” so to speak. Their obsessive actions must then be transferred through a device – most times being associated with a specific task as per said device. Instead of a connectivity, it is reactionary in regard to the employ of such tendencies – a self indulgent illusion utilizing machines. The act of attaching ones self to something that has already transpired, in such a manner as to associate oneself with outcomes already present.

It occurs to me, in our modern society – that church’s seem no longer to be used in that “structure” dynamic to hone and guide connectivity, but more to disrupt it. A political area more than a course for existence in the modern day.

I must admit that I am intrigued with the subject of “superstition.” More directly it’s unique relationship with the human being.

The existence of “superstition” is proof itself of the metaphysical – our awareness of the metaphysical. It is also indicative of malleable is our mind – in my opinion of course.


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