Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/29/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



In book XVIII of the commentary, Tracy states in reference to the equality of “men” that “men multiply, and being more numerous are more easily enlightened, and more wealthy…..thus far we see only advantages….. but see the inconveniences…. It is evident that some succeed less and others more….” begetting inequality.

This tells me that my perspective on education is very near the mark.

From his perspective, in his time a means of education – it was easier to educate people.

In our modern day and “system” – we have often fallen so far as to simply award degrees based on nothing to do with them. “Someone you know…. Athletic performance…” even simply to be able to say that someone perceived as a “non-equal” is getting equal treatment.

The larger number of people in such a demographic and in the rest of society as well, remain very low in regard to any level of actual education knowledge.

As I have stated earlier, such is due to that inversion and lack of educating people about themselves – in my opinion. Such causes a great inequality and further a larger amount of actual poverty – and further still the effects of poverty within the social climate.

In regard to his description of “some not doing as well as others,” I attribute that to a natural disposition and the effects of that percentage presence of human/animal within the resulting effect of that larger process.

08-05-2006 This then relates to other areas of observation and study of my present focus – being the modern focus on what is seen as success, then having to be manufactured for some…. As opposed to rewarding due effort with due result. It is no longer about putting forward your best, but more the direction of insisting you deserve something more than the next guy so to speak. Where there was opportunity for equal opportunity – in that sense – there is now a majority of manufactured successes – which in turn creates a very strange type of competition that has nothing to do with the pleasures of life or enjoying that which you may be of to begin with.

Further, this direction demonstrates the areas of “promoting the better human animal” as apposed to promoting the betterment of humanity.

I see where society is now shackled to such a direction, two fold;

Firstly of a natural attribute in each individual, then again in our failing to insure that individuals attain what ever potential that they may actually have to some degree.

The most knowledgeable of scholars are being very much subject to a social dynamic of being impoverished in that respect. Pushed aside to accommodate the manufactured successes… and as result, then losing more of the depth all around in regard to such issues.


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