Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 04/13/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



Putting more thought into categories, degrees of civilization and considering the modern political/social climate – It occurs to me that within the “first” degree of civilization, humans simply “reacted” to the influence of that “eternal source” within that larger process. This of course without even conscious knowledge.

Within the “second” degree of civilization, humans must then have begun to map and form the motion of that larger process and its result in manifestation upon reality.

Then it seems they would have began to attach meaning in a more complex manner to the reaction and that larger process itself – with that then, it seems they would have begun to understand and explore – if even without the acknowledgement of a larger process so to speak. Only exploring within their understanding and perception – this then resulting in the development eventually, of the “third” degree of civilization. Which of course can be stated as a deeper understanding – enlightenment pertaining to interactive connectivity and of course the beginnings of acknowledgment and exploration of the relationship with that larger process in more ways than had existed before.

Modern science, including mathematics has purposefully (though seemingly unknowingly) confined itself in that “second” degree of civilization –

08-09-2006 This is another facet of the motion and movement between the “degrees” of civilization which I am currently exploring farther and do address more in depth, in further notes and journal entries.

- The results of this sustained direction, are most apparently the artificial emulations I have discussed – and perhaps the problematic stagnation effects as well (which are directly related to those emulations – as a note, I am not discounting the benefits of mathematics in any way).

It (mathematics particularly in tandem with “science”) has set itself over the existing religious beliefs as if it (science itself) were a “source” instead of a descriptive language. As if it were the “artist ( that larger process and/or Proximity Gestation)” instead of a part of the “artistry” as result of said relationships.

This effect has also resulted in those of the “first” degree (more now the artificial emulation) emulating as if to be part of the “third” degree while actually quite firmly within the second – through said emulations, more directly, being the artificial elements of that “modern” second degree of civilization. But again, not in a manner as to promote the existence of a larger process or source of any sort…but more to employ the emulation in a context not of its initial intention as per the description of Tracy.

My immediate assertion is in regard to the effect of science being seen as a “source” (as per the common perception) within that modern second degree of civilization – not, as I have stated, in regard to science being inefficient, so to speak. I am not judging science per say – only looking to the effect of it having been supplanted in such a manner.

I have already explored facets of this in some degree, in regard to that “two dimensional” aspect – as well in this example, there are then problematic areas which arise in regard to “church.”

08-09-2006 Further it is that I am currently exploring such directions in thought as well. This beyond the basic dynamic movement of that seemingly cyclical movement through the “degrees”….. More in regard to the specific effect of such a change in “residence” as is replacing the idea of a “source” with a human idea in depiction of the consistencies around us – being science – in its stead. This, I should point out, is in no way an argument for or against either the superiority of science or that of any given example of “god.” Though, it is personally that I can not accept a human idea and means of communication as being any sort of actual “source” in the place of so much which is readily observable to some other contrary – which ever label you choose to place upon that consistency (most times doing so for other reasons anyhow, so it might as well be seen as science).

In my current view, if the church wants to remain a point of nurturing – it must transcend this aspect at least to some degree. Even further to such a point, it must then avoid the temptations which accompany this modern twist, in becoming nothing more than a nerf herding mechanism.

It seems, within my opinion, that such ascension as is realization of something else – in at least a small part, is more than a natural course within our existence – it seems to be essential on many levels, as well.

Again, it is not that this is an argument for belief in deity or that in science – but it is hard for me to see where science could ever make such a transition even in part as to be seen as source – when it is so dependent upon itself and being set entirely in the area of “measure” within physical reality.

The “church” – while each example can have their “depiction” in regard to that larger process – at least has opportunity to ascend and transcend in some degree, based on the fact that it is firmly in the area of “beginning to understand” (that second degree) the metaphysical aspects of existence. Notably though, most are quite firm structures in their given interpretations – which then can be likened to science in some respects – though across an intangible chasm of relation.

Several results of that effect – being science laid within that emulation of the second degree – are the manifestations of several different combinations of “degrees,” artificial emulations of “degrees,” and the resulting action/motion/effect of those combinations. All transpiring simultaneously – many of said results being “out of phase” due to the origin of said artificial emulation.

Many times each of those combinations have little footing in substance due mostly to a lack of insight and understanding beyond that which is easily obtained in very common formats.

The most glaring combinations I can note at the moments thought – is again, that within the “second degree” of civilization – being what has resulted from the “battle” between “church” and “science.”

From there, are combinations derived from needs within that conflict – which have given us several of the artificial emulations.

As example; those within the second degree in regard to science – emulating both the third and first degrees in an effort to support an appearance of superiority (so to say). Likewise within that same area, is the “church’s” use of similar tactics – which then begin to gravitate toward a similar effect, though more perpetuating a “hand over hand” cycle in the use of those artificial emulations as directions and directives of their own.

In naturally allowing that larger process – the effects of Proximity Gestation – to occur between the first and third degrees – the harmony I have spoken of seems to easily transpire.

08-11-2006 This as well is something I have begun to examine more in depth, and of course will include in further notes and explorations. I find great interest in the motion and dynamic movement between what has been established as those different degrees of civilization. It is very much a motion that continues and is in no way of “permanent” station so to speak. In an instant, ones “position” in regard to such ideas, can be transformed without the slightest of acknowledgement simply through occurrence within their own existence. Rather interesting when considering the “working concepts” as they actually transpire.

When that relationship is interfered with purposefully or otherwise, through those artificial emulations, it results in what equates to giving a monkey a loaded fire arm – then further after seeing such as problematic – then giving a trained monkey a loaded firearm and calling the resulting change, progress.

08-11-2006 This even further is related to more recent studies in observation, pertaining to the use of corruption as it is and as we know it in various definitions – as fuel within the motion of society to the point of having been masterfully put to use in combating the historic plagues of civilizations, being stagnation and corrosion due to various causes.

In order for civilization to truly progress (from my current perspective), that second degree of civilization must progress instead of the re-occurring cycle I have described.

It seems that neither civilization or that given degree of said, will find “their” next levels of enlightenment while it is that such conflicts and artificial emulations are employed within the second degree – establishing a seizure of sorts (that bottle neck here as well?), as I have described – there-in, interfering with the natural course through that larger process and interactive connectivity.

It would seem that in the excitement of discovery, “science” has become as much of a dead weight with the progress of humanity as it ever was advantageous.

The natural relationship between “nature” (being a basis of the “first” degree) and the “third” degree (again having nature as it’s basis) need very much to be acknowledged in my opinion.

It is said that as “primitive” creatures within the first degree in a similar manner as animals, humans existed within it. As developed (pertaining to understanding of capacity) creatures within the third degree of civilization – we have the potential to be part of it in ways which are still difficult for many to conceive of or even begin to understand.

In my perspective, that relationship is the natural course.

To muse upon the possibilities there-in, and even further in that progression, brings much in regard to pleasure within my own existence that I feel few can relate to – given the incredible amount of focus on “science (to distraction)” in the modern day.

In attempting to approach the subject matter of such possibilities within the process and/of the third degree of civilization (as I understand it here in a sort of infancy) without an actual understanding (more than topically) of such a relationship, a person has done nothing more than relegate themselves to that area within the second degree of civilization pertaining to those emulations derived between “science” and “church.”

It seems that in order to truly be part of the third degree of civilization, a person must at least be able to acknowledge the existence of something as I have described pertaining to that “eternal source” and must at least have insight into that process which I have observed and described as Proximity Gestation.

In my opinion, those things are derived from a knowledge of self firstly. In a similar manner, should a person approach either science or church without a knowledge of self, that person can never fully attain understanding and in that then fails to acquire the substance there-in, resulting in even more artificial emulation.

Again, in my opinion – the third degree of civilization is not about squashing, repressing, removing aspects of being human from being human. It is about progressing as creatures as much as a society and civilization. It is about liberation in ways hard to express and ascension through understanding those human aspects. It is about development of that capacity through that connectivity and understanding within that larger process.


While studying “The Cult Of Incompetence,” written by Faguet, I have found even more direct proof of that process I have described as Proximity Gestation.

This, being done yet again through contradiction. I might add that this example is very much “proof” of that growing body of “a-priori” and interactive connectivity, as well;

In chapter VI Faguet states; “The law of incompetence spreads still farther, either by some process of logical necessity or by a sort of contagion. It has often been made the subject of merriment, for, like all tragedy……”

It was written in the 1800’s as well, and even then as one can see – makes reference to a quality through generations that remains almost entirely a consistent occurrence over even centuries. Granted, it is incompetent behavior so to speak which is cited – but further into that consistency is undeniable proofs of a metaphysical eco-cycle so to speak.


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