Monday, October 23, 2006

Continued Studies - 04/08/2005




Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



While putting time into transposing Proximity Gestation – On The Perspicacity of Species into document form, I happen upon some further “proof” in support of that which I propose and the consistency within the process of Proximity Gestation.

Simply put; Prime Numbers (as I have now included within the composition itself).

Their existence and consistency support firstly – the existence of a larger, “eternal source,” then further demonstrate (to some degree) the consistencies within the workings of the larger process itself – this through being an example in emulation of said.

The fact that no one has cited even further their relevance in bringing a different perspective to the much believed and popular version of evolution, I attribute to the distraction and excitement of their “discovery” to begin with. As well as those factors I have addressed in regard to the focus of cerebral capacity and attention. That “linear” focus so to speak.

The various configurations and movement of “prime numbers” – said strings/threads – the patterns and dynamic is very much indicative of that larger process on many levels, including the methods and process of having “discovered” them. Of course a person has to consider the idea of prime numbers beyond individual threads to get the gist of their function in demonstration and emulation…but once that is considered, it becomes rather obvious. As well, it isn’t long after such consideration that the idea of a non-linear perception (consideration) in relation, makes itself quite obvious as well. Then of course a person begins to relate the inter-relation workings of those consistencies (even in the inconsistencies) within and between each “string,” and it then becomes even more clear – if only in a “solidified” manner well within the area of “application” in accordance with that phenomenon regarding the transition of “concept” into “application.” This being due to the fact that the emulation which is the prime number consistency – is purely of a human origin (simply a “language” and means for understanding).

Even in light of this “level” of confirmation and apparent affirmation, I do still hold that mathematics are only another language. As I have pointed out and is quite obvious, only another human derived method for documentation. I believe even further, as I have stated, that a larger part of the process of Proximity Gestation is still, and will always be, in motion – directly in relation as per our existence to one level of consistency or another.

This means to mathematics, that there is even yet more to be realized in regard to such…but of course, that is beyond the overwhelming consistency we have established for ourselves…in some instances even being large insulators against the effects of that larger process – for the better or worse. A sort of interference – impedance, so to speak.

Simply, I believe that even as “complex” and advanced as we perceive the mathematical realm to be, there are “realms” in kind, yet to be developed in much the same process as from where our modern means of communication which we call mathematics, came from.

08-08-2006 As I have stated in supplementals and other commentaries, in observing the consistencies of modern society – more directly the modern conveniences we employ to grotesque levels- it is as though we have created a certain type of insulator in said actions. In fact, on the larger scale a person could say we have created a false atmosphere in that respect – being that our every moment is inundated and saturated with an overwhelming amount of 60 cycles per second frequency (as example - In The United States).

I am not saying this is particularly unsafe as it were, only that within the atmosphere we exist in…and within that larger motion and process, that 60 cycle per second “field” then becomes a consistency unto itself….which again, many of us exist within as a substantial amount of our lives.

I am not saying this is “good” or “bad,” only that it seems to be rather substantial and obviously has created a rift of sorts in said insulating capacity, in separating us from the motion of that larger consistency. We, in essence, are encapsulated to a great extent with and within the means of our own designs.

Regarding that then, such presents an even more problematic area when considering the potentials of “advance.” How is it that we could ever hope to actually “advance” or progress, when it is that we have anchored ourselves firmly within a mechanical consistency? Especially in that said consistency is one of great effect upon and in relation to those physical facets which dictate – more so indicate – even our very thoughts.

True, the levels of electrical current which are used commercially have been deemed safe for said usage. This of course actually means several things in reality and truthfulness – especially regarding big business decisions (which I am to make no point of being it is of no concern to this subject matter). Even if such claims were entirely truthful, “physical safety” may not (and really isn’t in my opinion) the actual larger concern in those directions. That isn’t to say that I think things should be unsafe… only that our level of deemed safety, is still actually (and obviously) and incredible influence on our every day, physical existence – even at the “safe level” of nearly a total saturation of populated areas. It may not be a “physical” detriment, but in that it is still an influence regardless.

In my opinion in regard to the language of mathematics (and I am admittedly no mathematician), from what I can safely believe within my own observations – our most complex formulas and equations within the language we call mathematics, are very much as “See Dick Run,” and “See Jane Pet Spot,” and aren’t necessarily an ancestor (or predecessor) in relation to any or in any way, to those “developments” of which I speak. Granted, as per the available example results, it is most likely that there will be some relation – especially in regard to any now existing within a “proximity” of the “root” beginnings or partial “elemental” factors of said future “variations”…. But as per the possibilities I can see…. such direct “linear” relationship(s) are not mandatory or pre-requisite. Again, as per that larger consistency in process.

I do feel that those “languages” developed in our “future,” will be of at least similar consistencies as per the emulation result of that larger process in “gestation” and manifestation.


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