Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Continued Studies - 05/13/2005 (continued)





Continued Notes

From The

Independent Studies


David A. Archer



Pertaining To

Social Consistencies

Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation



Something I have been pondering lately – is what it was exactly which introduced the concept of immortality, to the human thought?

How and what is it which brought light to, and formed such a concept?

Given the overall consistencies within existence – it would have to have been one of two possibilities I can see at the moment, perhaps a combination there-in; Example, or epiphany.

Given the level of emulation within several different cultures pertaining to immortality – I would immediately venture that it was “example” of some sort. Perhaps in conjunction with the realization of connectivity?

When considering this in depth, I am brought to even more serious consideration of the possibility of “inter-dimensional” existences, and a breadth of connectivity there-in as well.

Symbolism and ritual were developed from more than superstition. Any given symbol was more than topical representation.

In this consideration such symbolism performed function and functional duties as well – much within this proposed parallel, “inter-dimensional” element. This beyond the obvious limitations such symbolism instantly applies. I arrive at such conclusions again, through observing the consistencies of and within ancient cultures an symbolisms – then compared with the level of connectivity I have observed in “modern primitives” such as “Native Americans (i.e.- the ability to summon weather patterns - I should note with this, that I have observed the modern technological emulation of said connectivity as well, being “seeding clouds.”).”

When such is considered in conjunction with one another, there becomes much to consider in respect to such possibilities as “inter-dimensional co-existence.” This then being bolstered through the existence of the very concept of immortality within our conceptualization.

In these “less complicated” forms of connectivity with which I am somewhat familiar, is for me an area with which to attain a perspective to then begin to consider the more complex symbolisms in those “more complicated” cultures.

For instance the Ankh is widely known to symbolize “persons” – the essence (soul as it were) of persons (as is “Thet” in different pose). It takes very little imagination to see a similarity (however basic) with the famous illustration of “man” being arms and legs extended – as if in motion.

Even further is a similarity with the crucifix.

When I examine that, I immediately see a comparison and similarity in intersecting lines. Then further can see similarity in that intersection and the apex of a pyramid from the proper perspective. Applied then, in a three dimensional respect – these intersecting lines – at the inverted “four corners,” become the tip of a pyramid.

Perhaps that chasm, that distance our “progress” has placed between ourselves and that “eternal source,” is as much evidentiary of some distance between our reality now and neighboring “dimensions.”

That lack of connectivity “signal” being representative of not only our insulation from that source – but some sort of proverbial space we have moved away from in a paralleling reality.

Both (perhaps more) having begun in similar manners simultaneously – developing as do the branches of a tree.


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