Friday, October 27, 2006

Continued Studies; 01/27/2006



Continued Notes
From The
Independent Studies


David A. Archer

Pertaining To
Social Consistencies
Within The Idea


Proximity Gestation


Reading Condorcet’s “Human Mind,” in my recent frame of mind is proving to be rather enjoyable. It has also brought some considerable inspiration in thought which I am sure to miss in not having been writing it all down. But, if it were that I picked up my pen with each of those moments, I would hardly ever find time to read.

The more I study, the more I take heart in the validity and solid balance of my ideology concerning Proximity Gestation.

That is pleasing but isn’t the main body of pleasure I derive from my studies.

So much it is a comedy of errors and tragic failing in our modern politics and society – that itself through studies has confirmed some long held opinions throughout my lifetime. There are so many efforts and “movements” put forward in society by people posturing importance and a superiority of some fashion – that are truly sorry and embarrassing displays within that comedy.

For instance, there is a contingency that hopes to “dumb” society down.

As I have addressed in other works, such an effort is their own undoing in many ways (beyond the frivolous action of heaping “dumb” upon “dumb” already existing as per dynamic) – especially in the immense effort and destruction it would require to accomplish it in a manner efficient to the needs and wants of those proposing it.

All other results are simply fueling the fire they seek to contain which, not so coincidentally, began to rage in the detrimental directions directly as result of other similar “movements.”

There are several versions of a few basic tactics being used to propagate the desperate jostling from one place to another in those attempts at social “movement” – as well as in the “dumbing down” – Misinformation, censorship, black out.

These basic tactics are used frequently in various forms. The laugh in this is that the justification is always said to be in protecting some other information – the “truth” as it were, but – what has come to be seen as “truth” in our “instant,” modern day is transient at best.

What this means to me in a real sense, is that those involved in the opinion that “truth” is relative to that degree, that instant degree – are actually those desperate censors and poseurs so prevalent in modern society. They are very much those who still are not sure of any truth of their own realization.

I happen upon this train of thought momentarily, in reading a comment Condorcet stated pertaining to the advent of printing and how positive it would be in society.

The phrase is stated as “….transient fluctuations of opinion.”

In a very real sense, that is as close to any "truth" that can be found post electricity and most definitely in the modern society in general. Especially considering the effect and influence of the modern media and the saturation there-in.

It possess an interesting picture of the social dynamic in the recent course of human development. It would appear we as a society have found ourselves in the same type of problems as Condorcet addresses and suggests that such advance as printing, would quell.

In that day he is referring to before such efficiency, "communities" were "displaced" from one another, creating an ease of that "transient fluctuation of opinion." Given, I see precisely where he is referring to in solving that problem, as society experienced the benefit of for some time – but, I also see where, in that progression of development, the ease of our most modern communications has provided for an even more "transient fluctuation of opinion," to the point even of granting the subtle ability in small percentages – to have that transient opinion – in the "smear" and unstable condition of it, be looked at as "truth."

08-25-2006 As a further note here, it is as well that the ease of modern communications has allowed for the possibility of multiple layers of information simultaneously within that "transient" dynamic. Essentially meaning that there are several different areas within those problematic aspects which are "in motion" simultaneously – at any given time. Of course, as things have progressed, such has rendered itself to a few consistent patterns of inconsistency, but the fact remains that with the advent of said mediums, the scope within that linear perspective has been divided to some degree and further has presented the opportunity for "multiple transient fluctuations of opinion." Really incredibly interesting as thought, while simple and predictable in the same respect. Of course, that is from a perspective within that modern dynamic.

The speed and efficiency of modern communications on the large scale has actually produced similar inefficiencies that human advance had already remedied to some degree – more interesting is this then creates an illusion of some cyclical motion in society, when really it is as result of certain combinations of excess. “Greed, envy, corruption (amplified as I have described), the want to “dumb down society”.…. And of course the dynamic in motion of all those variations mentioned as per “transient,” combined.

The actual truth is from what I can tell pertaining to this, is that in atmospheres of that sort – none of the “extremes” could give a sh*t about the “truth.” As I consider this, it then plays well into the idea that such corruptions are entirely intended.

Unfortunately in that dynamic, humans have progressed to a degree in some instances where even the most basic “truths” have been mutated and even replaced after being lost, with that moment to moment “transient fluctuation of multiple opinions,” fueled with un-ruled competition within various forms of amplified and mutated corruptions – for things those knowing their “transient opinions” as “truth,” know not the most basic value of in that basic sense. Only that they will be seen as “victorious where there is no actual competition – even if there were, they aren’t even in the “ball park” so to speak… or the “sand lot” or even the same planet for that matter.

It is as if the suspended and sustained atmosphere created within the designs of our society has been transformed into an undulating mass of various forms of motion…. Then seeing themselves in a competition of some sort, even within the efforts to exist within a state of said society – which has no use, need or natural presence of said competitions. As if the very “Utopian” areas created as per result of said larger design, are converted unwittingly into areas of useless competition. Missing the point entirely of the potentials within them.

Transforming areas easily and most efficiently used in that “Utopian” sense, into relatively similar areas of confusion as per a lack of understanding or insight into their true purpose and use. This again is more than likely a direct result of that growing consumer mentality through the exhibition of such lack of “knowledge” as it were. It is as though those attempting such “heights” from the direction of those postured claims in that consumer mentality, have never even considered the designed result and potential within those areas. Further exposing the ignorance in said mentality as it permeates society.

They know nothing else of the design, so it is that what they know – having been supported and promoted through that “reinforcement” strategy within the consumer mentality – must be the only way to do things from their perspective. Losing within that, the best fruits and states of existence as per said design to the destruction of that limited consumer mentality– as per efficient placement and function of said areas.

To think we have all this incredible technology, but somehow, somewhere along the way, the very concepts most of those advances are based on have been left by the way. Failed to be applied as it were.

I do feel that as is that larger consistency, perhaps –even through the retarded effect said advances have had on human interaction – that dynamic is one of a “generational” aspect. Meaning that in a cycle of so many generations, such aspects are put aside in favor of other options, only to be reintroduced again at a later date. But that, oddly enough is in direct contradiction with the obvious dynamic within said “multiple transient truths” and the obvious consistency of multiple occurrences simultaneously – again presenting the result and proofs of an over stated and focused “linearly perceived” aspect.

I do contend that “truth” is malleable to some degree – that is, flexible.

I do not believe it to be the transient opinion product of modern, bulging hordes of people laying hold of an “opinion” momentarily as convenience happens to warrant as being that “malleable, flexible” truth.

“That is just what we will say” does not constitute “truth.”

08-25-2006 – In a metaphor sans the very limited aspects in use of the symbolism as per “containment” and suggested “linear” motion; The effects of what I observe as Proximity Gestation within that larger process and as well, within the effects of it through said structures and perception of human existence, it can be likened to the result (in a continuous manner) which is achieved in the human act of “splicing” two different fruit tree types together, then rendering a different variety of a similar fruit. Again, this is not meant to be interpreted as “linear” in motion or effect, nor in the rigid manners which such example might suggest – being physical in nature. As well, within my belief, the larger process does not transpire in such exacting and exclusive ways. Then further, as I have mentioned and am currently considering – as a species we must account for the effect of said mutations having been introduced within perception and that process in effect we have upon reality in said “multiple layers” as result. Many of which being synthetic, though still quite influential upon our existence and influential as per concentrated electromagnetism beyond that.


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